Flatastic Wordpress Theme

Add custom woocommerce config.

You have to see config-woocommerce. You have to install Child theme and activate it. See our the latest theme version

You have to copy config-woocommerce from parent theme to child theme and after you can edit it.

Also you have to add this to the child functions.php

/* Include Config WooCommerce
/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- /

if (class_exists('WooCommerce')) {

if ( ! function_exists( 'mad_woo_config' ) ) {

function mad_woo_config() {
// Load required classes and functions
require_once( 'config-woocommerce/config.php' );
return MAD_WOOCOMMERCE_CONFIG::instance();


* Instance main plugin class
global $mad_woo_config;
$mad_woo_config = mad_woo_config();