
Knowhere Pro WordPress

Oops! I don't see the map You have to insert your keys in 2 places https://www.awesomescreenshot.com/image/3128612/740da156cb6a5c1c2215bccf956d1b3f https://www.awesomescreenshot.com/image/3128613/730077aac3d3afc45f7d0caa1d7ff063 Read how to creat ...

How to make Theme and plugins update Download here http://themeforest.net/downloads the latest version go Appearance-->themes, activate any theme, remove Flatastic (Revija, Shopme or any another my theme) theme. If you need to update all our plugins. Go to Plug ...

How activate Reviewer plugin and other plugins You have to activate Reviewer plugin only. Monkeysan 37ac31c6-fc81-4eb5-8fef-757932548b3e You don't need to activate other plugins

How can I activate any plugin - VC, Ultimate Addons, etc ? If you want to have a personal license you can buy it and use it. I have extended licenses which allow to include plugins into the pack, but I provide all updates with the theme. All plugins work without activation. it need ...

How can I translate the theme You have po file at the lang folder You can translate theme via po files and http://poedit.net/ To translate woocommerce - read https://docs.woothemes.com/document/woocommerce-localization/ Read also https://codex.wo ...

Permalinks don't work Please read https://stackoverflow.com/questions/22793488/wordpress-permalinks-doesnt-work