
Reviver VirtueMart Theme

I want to install another language. RTL? 1. Install your Joomla language http://community.joomla.org/translations 2. Language manager and install official VM pack http://virtuemart.net/community/translations/virt... 3. Add this language to content. Please, ...

How can I remove from compare table the Rows of: 1) Manufacturer 2) Weight 3) Dimensions 4) Packaging Many Thanks / Vagelis http://velikorodnov.ticksy.com/ticket/94877

I want to remove Availability, Dimensions To hide Availability add to custom.cssadd to custom.css #productdetailsview .stock {     display: none; } To hide Dimensions add to custom.css #productdetailsview .Dimensions {    display: none;}

I want to change fonts. How can I do this open for Revivertemplatest3_blanktplsblockshead.phpfor Flatastictemplatest3_bs3_blanktpls template_which_you_use You can find embeding fonts. Change with yours and make auto-replace in custom.css font-family: 'Open Sa ...

Order confirmation email problems http://velikorodnov.ticksy.com/ticket/315796

How to add more than 3 products to compare http://velikorodnov.ticksy.com/ticket/104417

Problem with breadcrumbs http://velikorodnov.ticksy.com/ticket/139477

Where I can change the string: (ART_VIRTUEMART_CART_EMPTY) There are many language packages available for Joomla but the template has some custom strings of text. Don't worry though, translation is really simple. All language strings are stored in the language/xx-XX folder, where x i ...

YJ Pop Login translation Read http://velikorodnov.ticksy.com/ticket/186857

I need to change KG, CM, MM in VM http://velikorodnov.ticksy.com/ticket/201568/

Long product names on category view are limited to 33 chars and if longer system puts "..." at the end. Is it possible to adjust the limit? See example templatest3_blankhtmlcom_virtuemartcategorydefault.php If you use another template - edit that you use For category Change 25 with yours Edit for product name Change 40

How to create labels Sale https://www.awesomescreenshot.com/image/2845466/8a82f899ba4e49c6096abf76fbf40ffb Offer https://www.awesomescreenshot.com/image/2845470/23d5bb2d4f49e33bb3a7678c0befdbe5 Hot For Reviver Hot label is available for ...

I want to leave the shopping cart at the float header http://velikorodnov.ticksy.com/ticket/236428

Search Result with product children http://velikorodnov.ticksy.com/ticket/124284

Remove "Hot" from bestsellers http://velikorodnov.ticksy.com/ticket/249489

I'm begginer and don't know how to work with VirtueMart Visit sitehttp://docs.virtuemart.net/

I broke my layouts Replace these files for layout.from fullpackage.zip templates t3_blank tplsandfullpackage.zip templates t3_blank etc layoutwith yoursFor Flatastic everyting is the same except theme folder: t3_bs3_blank

I need to disable the zoom function on the image. To remove ZOOM on the product image, open VMSlider plugin and switch it offhttps://www.awesomescreenshot.com/image/3200635/eb028bb81015c978dd865f785c836e21

Can not edit the template's style t3_blank - Default Write to hosters. The problem is with server

Keycapcha and re-capcha http://velikorodnov.ticksy.com/ticket/125265https://velikorodnov.ticksy.com/ticket/383981/

Remove category images preview http://velikorodnov.ticksy.com/ticket/314964

I want to make 'auto multiply quantity'.. My client can only chose quantity for 100, 200, 300 and etc. For now, I has set minimum order to 100pcs here you can adjust the step http://ticksy_attachments.s3.amazonaws.com/888736...

Where can I find my Purchase Code? https://help.market.envato.com/hc/en-us/articles/2...

Setup layout boxed default nonresponsive - done 3. weird blank space appears ???? how to rezolve this? http://ticksy_attachments.s3.amazonaws.com/2814751367.jpg In the custom.css you have to change or add to the end.boxed-indent .boxed-box { margin: 0 auto; width: 1030px; } .boxed-indent .boxed-box #Slider { margin: 0 auto; position: relative; width: 1030px; } #slider_izotop li .pro ...

How to remove block 'Recently Viewed Products' To remove this block add to custom.css.recentproducts {    display: none;}

How to remove Product Dimensions and Weight http://velikorodnov.ticksy.com/ticket/89207

The module does not show Use our settings http://awesomescreenshot.com/0605itzb65

All Product Displaying All the Category http://velikorodnov.ticksy.com/ticket/126177

Theme is running slow 1/ You need compress css and jsSee screenshots http://velikorodnov.ticksy.com/ticket/1246082/ Turn on cache3/ Increase memory in your server4/ Check you php.ini Minimal settings: memory_limit = 128M max_execution_time = 3 ...

Where can i translate this quick view popup? See administratorlanguageen-GBen-GB.plg_system_quick.ini

I have a problem with user activation Switch on this pluginhttp://awesomescreenshot.com/01142fam83

I want to hide numbers in Stock Read this http://velikorodnov.ticksy.com/ticket/133846/

New version VM, T3, Joomla etc. Should I update this? DON'T MAKE THE UPDATE! We need to test and after we make the updates for customers

Long product names on category view are limited to 33 chars and if longer system puts "..." at the end. Is it possible to adjust the limit? http://velikorodnov.ticksy.com/ticket/123142Added:For the isotope module/modules/mod_isotopemart/tmpl/default.phpline 573changed 30 to 40 and everything is good.

How to work with T3 framework Please see videoshttp://www.joomlart.com/video-tutorials

Phone # Change Go to Extensions--> modules--> Call Phone

I want to hide category image http://ticksy_attachments.s3.amazonaws.com/7088277934.jpg add to custom.css .box-style .prod_cat {display:none;}

How to translate OR in the header modulesmod_yj_pop_logintmpldefault.php  or Change or with yours

Youtube Plugin doesn't work http://velikorodnov.ticksy.com/ticket/289346

I want to remove name of language on language switcher http://velikorodnov.ticksy.com/ticket/229620

How to remove Comments tab https://www.awesomescreenshot.com/image/2873204/026998e00454ccb7312103a9148b7fa0

Remove CATEGORIES string http://velikorodnov.ticksy.com/ticket/150551

How can I change the logo and insert the bigger logo than your? Open templatest3_blankcsscustom.cssand find class .logo-imageWe use logo twice. Change size twice

You have a nonactivated version which displays up to 10 search results. Activate your module here:MyExt.eu http://velikorodnov.ticksy.com/ticket/224968

Mega Menu doesn't save I guess that you use Chrome and in Chrome Mega menu sometimes fails. Doesn't save. Try to use Firefox for savingSometimes the cause of problem is when SSL plugin is switched on

Remove subcategories http://velikorodnov.ticksy.com/ticket/319900

Where can I find Quick view files? Here pluginssystemquickquick.php

How to remove /en/ Read this https://docs.joomla.org/Enabling_Search_Engine_Friendly_%28SEF%29_URLs http://www.templatemonster.com/help/ru/joomla-3-x-how-to-enable-and-use-sef-urls.html#gref

Hi I don’t want the zoom on mouse over because it’s difficult for mobile users to understand what is happen when they click on a product. how can I remove it? See the video and settings to change the product view http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rAy_jDeoxLI

How to work with Mega Menu See the video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cqfRrWV-IPY

How to change Contact Us data http://awesomescreenshot.com/0c22t9o7d6

How to disable categories from vm manufacturer page? http://velikorodnov.ticksy.com/ticket/320185

I am having trouble on the homepage when its set to virtuemart home and the Display All Products module are active. When I disable the module is unpublished the front page works just fine. I could be a javascript conflict but I am not sure. Please assis http://velikorodnov.ticksy.com/ticket/123984

How to change order in Category http://velikorodnov.ticksy.com/ticket/210093

How to make Theme and plugins update Download here http://themeforest.net/downloads the latest version go Appearance-->themes, activate any theme, remove Flatastic (Revija, Shopme or any another my theme) theme. If you need to update all our plugins. Go to Plug ...

Where can I find to translate BILL TO & SHIPMENT INFORMATION for one page checkout language ini file? administratorlanguageen-GBen-GB.plg_system_onestepcheckout_theme.ini

One Step Checkout - Payment Issue Readhttp://velikorodnov.ticksy.com/ticket/207170

Product Badges If you make discount- you will see Sale. If you make time limit deal - Offer

When I translated the file en-GB.tpl_t3_blank.ini the Polish language, problems with the encoding You have to save with UTF-8 encoding

How to work with VM categories in Megamenu See the videohttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l_k-ISc8RwQ

How to unfix heading menu bar when scroll down Add custom css#head-row.fixed #t3-mainnav {    display: none;}

How can I edit social icons on product page? http://velikorodnov.ticksy.com/ticket/158028

I see Blank page only 1. Check your php. Minimum php5.6 2. Try to switch off twitter module 3. Switched off  AcyMailing Editor 4. Check the minimal server requirements http://docs.virtuemart.net/documentation/User_Man... 5. Check ...

Disable "flip" on mouse over http://velikorodnov.ticksy.com/ticket/201999/add to custom.css#product_list.layout2 #slider a .front { /*-webkit-transform: rotateX(0deg) rotateY(0deg); -webkit-transform-style: preserve-3d; -webkit-backface-visibility ...

Product filter module not working correct We don't sell the filter.  Ask the developers http://myext.eu/en/

Can you point me to the map were I can adjust the invoice, print and message delivery from the back-end in Virtuemart? I need to adjust some lines there. we use standart VM invoice. I think this thread will help you http://forum.virtuemart.net/index.php?topic=11799...

Need to remove wishlist, compare and quickview To remove any module - switch off module and remove components.

How can I activate any plugin - VC, Ultimate Addons, etc ? If you want to have a personal license you can buy it and use it. I have extended licenses which allow to include plugins into the pack, but I provide all updates with the theme. All plugins work without activation. it need ...

I wanted to ask for help to solve a problem on the checkout page. A footer when I select the link "Click here to read terms of service and check the box to accept them" instead of opening the popup with the text, I open a blank page with the specified e-mail address of the seller. http://ticksy_attachments.s3.amazonaws.com/8680831959.jpg The problem is with the link - [email protected] advice to write for example: info[dog]zartechnology.it or something else.

Bad SEO on Fronpage K2 Blog and Virtuemart Manufacturer as well as joomla banner links http://velikorodnov.ticksy.com/ticket/248224

Hide sort by and manufacturer from pages http://velikorodnov.ticksy.com/ticket/231822

Problem checkout I guess you skiped this step http://inthe7heaven.com/reviver/documentation/img...

Google analytics http://velikorodnov.ticksy.com/ticket/158413

Registration/login doesn't work http://velikorodnov.ticksy.com/ticket/225635

How can I change "Framework by JoomlArt.com." on footer? The footer is displayed with the help of the module (templatest3_blankhtmlmod_footer). There you can also edit, delete and add stuff.For the customization all the files of the theme are placed here: templatest3_blanktplsblock ...

How to remove Sub Categories Open templatest3_blankhtmlcom_virtuemartcategory template which you use and remove

Header Float http://velikorodnov.ticksy.com/ticket/100060

Copyright © info needs change http://velikorodnov.ticksy.com/ticket/318781

I don't see currency and create a vendor Read https://velikorodnov.ticksy.com/ticket/1289815

How to make Update? Download the newest version here http://themeforest.net/downloads documentation folder and read Section Changelog. If you have version 1.9.3 and want to upgrade to 2.1 you have to make v2.0 and after v2.1 NOTICE! ALWAYS MAKE ...