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How to increase memory_limit If your site loads slow you have to increase memory_limit Read ... Registration doesn't work Check your settings I can't make import! you have to increase increase upload_max_filesize and post_max_size ... I'm begginer and don't know how to work with VirtueMart Visit site
Oops! I don't see the map You have to insert your keys in 2 places h ... How can I translate the theme You have po file at the lang folder You can translate theme via po files and To translate woocommerc ... I can't change a header You have Global header settings here and i ... I can't upload favicon or logo
Article Categories
How to make Theme and plugins update
How can I activate any plugin - VC, Ultimate Addons, etc ?
How can I activate any plugin - VC, Ultimate Addons, etc ?
Remove Slide effect on website elements
How can I activate any plugin - VC, Ultimate Addons, etc ?
How to make Theme and plugins update
How to make Theme and plugins update
I want to install another language. RTL?
I have updated the theme, but now, the title and description in the product page was change to "..."
How can I activate any plugin - VC, Ultimate Addons, etc ?
How can I activate any plugin - VC, Ultimate Addons, etc ?
How to make Theme and plugins update
How to make Theme and plugins update
I want to install another language. RTL?
How can I activate any plugin - VC, Ultimate Addons, etc ?
How to make Theme and plugins update
My child theme isn't activated
How to make Theme and plugins update
How to make Theme and plugins update
How can I activate any plugin - VC, Ultimate Addons, etc ?